~»AXE«~ Fun Land
Impotant Notification:
"Recruitment is closed for an unknown interval of time"
Welcome to AXE
2 More friends Bull Dog and Heroic joined the clan Welcome guyz ...
we are glad to hv 2 more firends in our clan ... Enjoy :D
White post.. 19.10.2014
Hello Guyz ... WHite Here....!
our founder Hammer is busy and a little inactive .. but he will be back soon
so AXE is now going to be managed by its 1st COncil Mr.white unitl founder get active again... inform me about any trouble about AXE and web editing
so hearties Enjoy at AXE funland
White post.. 17.10.2014
-»AXE«- Magn, Lgend, and Hunnyz.
2nd Oct, 2014
Its been a month or around that our new friends
players have joined us, they have completed their probation date and now are known as a official member of AXE clan. we welcome u guys with us and hope that u will be by our side till the very end.
Everyone put your hands togather for our new members xDDDD
Welcome to axe, have fun and good luck.
Miss you guys...
Ibaduu - Bildan - Mr.White
-»AXE«- Tournament:
25th Sep, 2014
The first round of tourny has been finished successfully.
As we had 14 players participated ( 7 ) teams so we have got 7 players qualified for the next round which are
Our round 2 which will be our final round, the rules will be:
Every players will have to play a single game with all the other winners from the previous round in total which will be 6 games.
The games which u won take the Screen shot and send to
Bildan ( 4406093 )
He will managing the table.
The site will be updated every 2-4 hours so you will be able to check the updates faster.
The 2 players with the most wins will play a best of 3 games and the player with the 2 wins will be the winner of the tournemant.
Rules: No ffs - kok off - 3k - 10pt - max ha 50
Map = 1v1 map by Dyavolik
Click the button to view the map.
-»AXE«- Tournament:
17th Sep, 2014
We will have out first round of tourny on 20th september 2014 [Saturday]
As it is a 1v1 game only so with our axe members participated we have arranged (7) teams which will be 14 players Including Founder.
We have selected 2 maps which are Scorpion and Awlub.
We will play our first round on Scorpion map and 2nd round on Awlub map and again our 3rd round on Scorpion map and so on..
Rules: No ffs kok off max ha 50 3k 10 pt.
The game will be played to best of 3.
The player with 2 wins will be the winner and will be qualified for the next round.
1= Khuram vs Zaheer
2= Legend vs Alex
3= Magnificent vs Mr.White
4= Twin vs Bildan
5= Ibadu vs Blizz4rd
6= Khan vs Bull dog
7= Hammer vs Major
-»AXE«- MaGnificent and LeGenD Joined us.
9th Sep, 2014
AXE MeGnificent and LeGenD Joined us and we will have them as our permanent members on comming October after they have completed their probation.
We have MaGnificent Liked to Major
and LeGenD Linked to Mr.White.
-»AXE«- Major Zer000 Joined as.
3rd Sep, 2014
Mejor Zero000 is now a full member of our community.
He is not only a good player balke he is a good friend too.
Stay tight, Play full night and hamara saat nhi chorna jab tk PC mai hai light xD
Welcome to AXE brotherHood Mejor bhaaai xD
Keep enjoying have fun and good luck.
With having Mejor we have an other good news also which is..
-»AXE«- Khuram is with us again.
Welcome back khuram bhai.
We missed you and we are happy that we have you with us again.
Let's have fun togather and just keep enjo
-»AXE«- Members A to Z
29th Aug, 2014
Hey AXE buddies :: Attention ... From 1st September on try to play with other clan players and most preferabbly 1x1 to improve urself and get experience and face new tactics and new ways of playing.
Good luck.
~»AXE«~ Khan Joined us as Trainee.
29th July, 2014
Mobarak ho Khan bhai, Now khan is a registered AXE Member.
Wellcom to our group khan bro, we hope you will be with us till our faith is the same. play your game have fun, enjoy and beat ur oponents hard xD
~»AXE«~ Bilzz4rD:[TT] got [M] rank.
4th July, 2014
Congrats Bilzz4rD bhai, Now with you we have 3 M ranks in AXE .
Try your best and bring us great victories, we hope soon you will beat Hammer and White and get the Expert rank. Cheers to the day that Bilzz4rD will be our frist Expert.
~»AXE«~ Khurram has been kicked from clan.
2th July, 2014
Im sorry to hear this khurram bro, why would you use an AKA when u have some good clan members with you.
If u were using aka only for fun then why didnt u toled us. we would never see this day and you would never been kicked from clan. you were a great player and a good friend, hope to see u again in AXE clan someday.
Wish you best of luck.
~»AXE«~ !)£$†NY Joined us as Trainee.
15th June, 2014
He is a good player as he is a good friend.
We AXE community gives him a warm welcome.
We know that his Journey will last here in AXE forever.
Welcome to AXE Fun Land... keep Enjoying Good luck
Have fun
~»AXE«~ Billzz4rD - Tayyab - AjNaB!! - Faisal
8th May, 2014
Some new frnds joined us as Trainees.
They will be with us till their feet hurts xD
Welcome to AXE guys
Have fun and enjoy
~»AXE«~ J@gU@r [C] is Kicked
19th, February, 2014
J@gU@r our frist concil has been kicked from clan.
He is kicked because i toled him to remove [C] from your name for now, you are not ready for this position also u can't handle the position of conciliarship. He didnt listened to me so that was the reason he is kicked from clan and i am sorry about him, u can join us again when u were ready to remove C from your name. then as of our rules, u will be allowed to join us as Trainee.
~»AXE«~ Khuram Bashir.
December 2013
Khuram Joined us as Trainee.
i believe his game will be good soon enough that as our Trianee he will beat FF Mr.Khan.
welcome bhai, have fun.
~»AXE«~ Bildan
~»AXE«~ Ibadu
December, 2013
They joined us as trainees and now they've gotten very good. they're friends and mostly they like to play 2v2 and they wanna be in the same team.
also frist time i saw them and had a game with them it was a 2v2 and they were in the same team.
good luck guys. have fun.
December, 2013
Jaguar Joined us as a trainee, he changed his rank to medium player , He is friendly guy and he beats anyone if he is in mood of game , but mostly he is not in a mood of game so... xD
welcome to AXE J@ bhai, have fun,
~»AXE«~ Mr.Wh[1]te
Mr.Wh[1]te joined us as a Midium player. Bcoz Mr.White is a friendly person we got frnds after alil chatting then i Invited him to join AXE, and he accepted.
He gets the most credit for this clan. though he joined AXE as a Medium player, can beat any expert.
Welcom buddy, Have fun.